This season’s Round Robins are over (except one last Intermediate next week) and we want to thank the managers: Diane Newcomb, Terri Cagala, Bill Beaupre, Chris Leman and Lou Rhodes for all the work they put in to make these a favorite every year.
The April schedule has virtually no changes. We’d like to get a feel for May-August capacity so look for a mid-month communication on this subject. This Sunday, April 3, is the Club’s first ever Member Beginner Tournament. We are short one male, if you are a male Beginner and would like to participate, please contact Lou Rhodes at [email protected] . We also hope to have a great spectator turnout and cheering section from the Intermediate and Advanced players. There was a snake sighting at the East Courts yesterday afternoon – PLEASE be aware of your surroundings. We have updated the shirt inventory; Club shirts are again available Shop Club Shirts We are in process of reworking the Member-Only area and reviewing the Guest policy, stay tuned for an update. The new gate code effective tomorrow, April 1, will be sent to members-only later this evening. REMINDER: Please do not let people into the courts, there have been more than a few instances of non-members playing – and not as guests. Close the gate when arriving and leaving. Every member has the gate code. Lou Rhodes is resigning from the board of directors as Treasurer and taking the position of Compliance/Advisor to the Club. If you have an interest in this position, please Contact Us and we will forward details. One requirement is full-time residency. Last but not least!! From Terri C – Spring Fling: First and foremost a big thank you to all the volunteers that made Spring Fling 2022 such a success. After having to cancel for 2 years, everyone was quite excited about getting together in person once again! Club member Evonne Evans provided entertainment for the evening and mixed it up with a variety of tunes. Cornhole (bags for you mid-westerners) provided the non-dancers with another activity (thanks to those who brought their sets) and Phil’s Filling Station managed to serve the group! We formally recognized the New Court Donors and the 2020 Hall of Fame Inductees. The HOF plaque is in the West Court bulletin board. (GREAT to have Judi A with us.) Prizes were provided by the following: Margaret Ennis- Purse Veronique Benoit- Earrings Emily Nelson- Jigsaw Health basket Phil Sahag – (Big) Paddletek backpack and other Paddletek swag Paddletek – 2 paddles and bags Rose Hanford - Notecards Fountain Hill Pickleball Club- Club shirts An additional thanks to 50/50 ticket sellers (Jim Margerum, Ron Greisen, Bill Pape) and congrats to Joe Campanelli the 50-50 winner! While we weren’t able to get a group photo as in year’s past, we have LOTS of candids, thanks to Rita Wagner. View them here Spring Fling 2022 If you have any pictures to share, please Contact Us As we wind down the season, we wish all our members safe travels to their other homes and look forward to welcoming you all back in September! Have a great April – below are the birthdays! See you at the Courts! The Board of Directors Birthdays: Michael Garten 2 James Valleskey 2 Dave Yeoman 2 Susan Kettell 2 Charlene Hammond 3 Brian Prezel 4 Diane Rosenberg 4 Colleen Power-Kupka 7 Keith Larson 8 Kelly Ray 8 Stacey Gibson 8 Marlene Fahrenbach 9 Tony LoCascio 9 Mary Jo Nurney 9 Mary Mounts 9 Chris Wood 10 Eileen Lewis 11 jordan horne 13 Michael Kline 14 Gail Kuehn 15 Evan Rowland 15 Christine Leman 17 Jan Goodman 18 Tim Heenan 18 Phil Gollon 20 Laura Schroeder 20 John F Nelson 21 Dave Pojman 21 Murray Nelson 21 Donna Casey 22 Linda Cathey 23 Tim McKenney 23 Pam Quihuis 23 Jeffrey Webber 24 Ronald Nagel 24 Peter Morich 26 David Voita 26 Jelaine Goldapper 27 Jann Jencka 28 Stephanie Payton 28 A. Denise Cooper 30 Irmin Roberts 30 Barbara Woyak 30
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