Date & Time: Saturday, January 19, 2019
Check in at West Courts 7:45 am, Play to start promptly at 8:30 am.
Every player must check in at West Courts to get court assignment and their player number
Entrance fee: $10/person
Please make out your check to Fountain Hills Pickleball Club, write 2019 Tournament in the memo line and mail to:
Fountain Hills Pickleball Club, PO Box 19678. Fountain Hills AZ 85629
Or the fee can be placed in an envelope, with the player name, the word Tournament on the outside and dropped in the equipment box at the west courts.
Cancellation Policy: Entry fees will be refunded if cancellation notice is received before 8:00 am on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Contact one of the 3 people listed below to withdraw your entry.
Venue: FHPC Courts (both the east and west) will be used for the tournament, if enough players register for the event. The target is to have 28 women and 28 men register to create the co-ed round robin pairings. We would like to get 2-4 alternates to register as well, in case of any cancellations; if alternates don’t play their registration fees will be refunded.
Rules and Format:
This is a non-sanctioned USAPA tournament. Balls used for the tournament will be new FHPC balls.
The format is co-ed, round robin for FHPC members that routinely play in the Intermediate group. FHPC members that play in the Advanced or Beginner groups are asked to join the event as volunteers (see below) or to come and enjoy the fun.
Games will be to 15 points, win by one point. Players will switch sides of the court at 8 points. Each player will play 6 games and cumulative scores will be captured by the scorers at each court. There will be 2 divisions of players on the east and west courts. The A division will play game 1, B division will play game 2, A division will play game 3, B division will play game 4, etc. until all players have played 6 games. Therefore, all players will play one game and then sit one game, during the time players are not playing their scores from their last game will be compiled, they can get hydrated or snacks and are expected to be ready when their next round starts. There will be a 20 minute bathroom break after 3 games are completed for each division on each set of courts. Carpooling to the restrooms at Golden Eagle Park is suggested to minimize parking issues.
After completion of 6 games for each player, the east court players will go back to the west courts where the 3 highest scoring men and 3 highest scoring women will be identified, for medal round play. Medal rounds will be played to 15 points, win by 2 points.
The third highest scoring man and woman will team up to play the second highest scoring man and woman, with the losers getting the bronze medals. The winning team will advance to play the team of the highest scoring man and woman, with the losers getting the silver medals and the winners getting the gold medals. Medals will be awarded at end of play.
Medal matches will have refs and line judges (volunteers-see below).
Refreshments: The FHPC will provide refreshments (oranges, bananas, bagels and water) for the players, volunteers and observers. Everyone will be asked to keep food and beverages, except water and energy drink for the players off the courts. Please put all trash in receptacles.
Refs: 6 for the east courts, 8 for the west courts is the goal, so the refs can take a break with the same division they are monitoring. If we don’t get enough refs for division rounds, we will only use refs for the medal matches.
Score Keepers: 2 score keepers on each of the east and west courts
Refreshment Table attendees: 2-3 attendees on each of the east and west courts
Clean-up Crews: 2-3 people on each of the east and west courts
Line judges for medal matches: 4 needed for each game, the same 4 can be used for both games if they are willing, as the games will be run sequentially.
Court Preparation: The courts will be cleaned the morning of play.
Since the windscreens can not be rolled up for viewing of play, observers are asked to stay out of the field of play if they go inside the fences to watch the matches. There may be limited space for sitting and setting up your own chairs on the sides of the courts. We want everyone to be safe, so the tournament organizers will try to keep the sidelines clear for play.
Check in at West Courts 7:45 am, Play to start promptly at 8:30 am.
Every player must check in at West Courts to get court assignment and their player number
Entrance fee: $10/person
Please make out your check to Fountain Hills Pickleball Club, write 2019 Tournament in the memo line and mail to:
Fountain Hills Pickleball Club, PO Box 19678. Fountain Hills AZ 85629
Or the fee can be placed in an envelope, with the player name, the word Tournament on the outside and dropped in the equipment box at the west courts.
Cancellation Policy: Entry fees will be refunded if cancellation notice is received before 8:00 am on Saturday, January 12, 2019. Contact one of the 3 people listed below to withdraw your entry.
- Jan Goodman: 480-888-6316
- Terri Cagala: 480-221-0808
- Diane Conway: 480-471-6258
Venue: FHPC Courts (both the east and west) will be used for the tournament, if enough players register for the event. The target is to have 28 women and 28 men register to create the co-ed round robin pairings. We would like to get 2-4 alternates to register as well, in case of any cancellations; if alternates don’t play their registration fees will be refunded.
Rules and Format:
This is a non-sanctioned USAPA tournament. Balls used for the tournament will be new FHPC balls.
The format is co-ed, round robin for FHPC members that routinely play in the Intermediate group. FHPC members that play in the Advanced or Beginner groups are asked to join the event as volunteers (see below) or to come and enjoy the fun.
Games will be to 15 points, win by one point. Players will switch sides of the court at 8 points. Each player will play 6 games and cumulative scores will be captured by the scorers at each court. There will be 2 divisions of players on the east and west courts. The A division will play game 1, B division will play game 2, A division will play game 3, B division will play game 4, etc. until all players have played 6 games. Therefore, all players will play one game and then sit one game, during the time players are not playing their scores from their last game will be compiled, they can get hydrated or snacks and are expected to be ready when their next round starts. There will be a 20 minute bathroom break after 3 games are completed for each division on each set of courts. Carpooling to the restrooms at Golden Eagle Park is suggested to minimize parking issues.
After completion of 6 games for each player, the east court players will go back to the west courts where the 3 highest scoring men and 3 highest scoring women will be identified, for medal round play. Medal rounds will be played to 15 points, win by 2 points.
The third highest scoring man and woman will team up to play the second highest scoring man and woman, with the losers getting the bronze medals. The winning team will advance to play the team of the highest scoring man and woman, with the losers getting the silver medals and the winners getting the gold medals. Medals will be awarded at end of play.
Medal matches will have refs and line judges (volunteers-see below).
Refreshments: The FHPC will provide refreshments (oranges, bananas, bagels and water) for the players, volunteers and observers. Everyone will be asked to keep food and beverages, except water and energy drink for the players off the courts. Please put all trash in receptacles.
Refs: 6 for the east courts, 8 for the west courts is the goal, so the refs can take a break with the same division they are monitoring. If we don’t get enough refs for division rounds, we will only use refs for the medal matches.
Score Keepers: 2 score keepers on each of the east and west courts
Refreshment Table attendees: 2-3 attendees on each of the east and west courts
Clean-up Crews: 2-3 people on each of the east and west courts
Line judges for medal matches: 4 needed for each game, the same 4 can be used for both games if they are willing, as the games will be run sequentially.
Court Preparation: The courts will be cleaned the morning of play.
Since the windscreens can not be rolled up for viewing of play, observers are asked to stay out of the field of play if they go inside the fences to watch the matches. There may be limited space for sitting and setting up your own chairs on the sides of the courts. We want everyone to be safe, so the tournament organizers will try to keep the sidelines clear for play.